Wooden Nickel

Master Brewer

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Master Brewer Mark Thompson


Stout: (Dry Irish Stout)
 · 2001 BRONZE- Great American Beer Festival
 · 2000 BRONZE- Great American Beer Festival
 · 1999 GOLD - Great American Beer Festival
 · 1998 BRONZE - World Beer Cup
 · 1996 SILVER - Great American Beer Festival

Amber Ale: (English Brown Ale)
 · 2001 BRONZE- Great American Beer Festival
 · 1998 SILVER - Great American Beer Festival
 · 1998 SILVER - World Beer Cup
 · 1997 GOLD - Great American Beer Festival

 · 1999-Present Starr Hill Restaurant &
   Brewery, Charlottesville, Virginia.
 · 1997-1999 Alcatraz Brewing Co., Denver, Colorado.
 · 1995-1997 Mile High Brewing Co., Denver, Colorado.
 · 1992-1995 Nor’Wester Brewing Co., Portland, Oregon.

 · 1999 Thompson, Mark, Dry Stout Recipe,
   The New Brewer, September/October.
 · 1998 Thompson, Mark, Shake Out,
   The New Brewer, March/April.
 · 1997 Thompson, Mark, The Use of Nitrogen in
, Brewpub Magazine, December.
 · 1997 Schramm & Thompson, No Bad Beer,
   The New Brewer, January/February.

 · 2001 University of Virginia- Beer Tasting Short Course
 · 1998 National Convention of Craft Brewers,
   Phoenix, Arizona
 · 1998 Rocky Mountain Microbrewers
   Symposium, Colorado Springs, Colorado

 · 2001 Great American Beer Festival
 · 2000 World Beer Cup
 · 1999 Great American Beer Festival
 · 1998 Great American Beer Festival


 · 1998 Siebel Institute of Technology,
   Sensory Evaluation of Beer.
 · 1994 Siebel Institute of Technology,
   Short Course of Brewing Technology.
 · 1992 Siebel Institute of Technology,
   Pure Yeast Cultures.

 · 1993 Portland State University,
   Masters of Science in Biology.
 · 1990 James Madison University,
   Bachelor’s of Science in Biology.
 · Western Albemarle High School.
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